who we are

our mission is simple

Train kingdom-minded leaders for godliness; empowered to run with a heart set free.

We believe that living a life of victory takes action. It requires a commitment to the endurance of our faith. Therefore, we must invest in our spiritual training and preparation, which we accomplish through the Endure Training Center or ETC. Our focus is in four key areas: teach, prepare, go and increase.

See below for more details and be sure to check out our resources →

Teach the Word of God
Paul said in Romans that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Teaching and understanding God's Word is a foundational aspect of our faith.
Prepare for Life
Living a balanced, intentional life is not always easy. To prepare for life, we focus on healthy relationships, leadership, competition and financial stewardship.
Go into all the World
Jesus commands us to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. Being outreach-minded is essential to fulfilling this call; whether you support, fund or go.

About Us

Michael and his wife Alisha have a passion for people and relationships. Their goal is to live intentional lives while staying focused on the eternal perspective of Jesus Christ.

They believe ministry is much like gardening. The purpose of pursuing intentional relationships is not to “fix” people. Rather, the purpose is to cultivate healthy relationships through love and exhortation. It is in this environment that others can grow in their faith and learn to walk in victory.

Like a garden, this process takes time; growth happens one day at a time. Ultimately it is through faith, patience and endurance that we will collectively see lives changed and captives set free.

As we continue to pursue God’s calling for our lives and share our journey with the community, we pray you’re encouraged to do the same.

Michael and Alisha have three wonderful children, and love spending time with family and friends. They enjoy anything that gets them outdoors, and have made many great memories on the beach, in the mountains or visiting various National Parks.